So last night was a party to honor world photographer Lewis Payton. He had just come out with a print collection of ten of his favorite works called 10. Well, as pictured in the photo, these four models showed up as well as the usual cast of Z-list celebrities. Wilson Cruz, Peter Paige, Tyler from Real World Key West, "that gay Asian guy from The Entourage", and the lovely-smelling Janice Dickison. AND, I had one reason or another that I could go to each of them and chat, but I did not. If fact, I said nothing to no one with the exception of my "plus one" for the evening, Michael. Who reminded me that if I changed jobs we were probably not going to go to these events again where we drink free drinks and talk to no one. Fun. But honestly it was a prime example of how you can really control your fate. The night could have gone completely different. I could have chatted up the photographer, whom I've met a couple of times before. He could have introduced me to each of the models, told them who I was, and some sort of buzz could have generated where I would have had the steam to go up to anyone I wanted. But I did not. Because I am socially retarded. So I will say I had a great time in possibility. Next time though, things will be different.
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