Investors Pull Out of Dakota Fanning’s Rape Movie

Maybe you’ve already heard that “Apple of America’s Eye” Dakota Fanning is in the midst of filming Hounddog, a movie which, thanks to a couple of run-of-the-mill child rape scenes, is drawing loads upon loads of press. Fanning’s parents defend the role, explaining that little Dakota is in dire need of an Oscar, and it’s gonna take a good old-fashioned rape scene to guilt the Academy into forking one over. Well, apparently, investors in the movie decided that their money was better off going to back other projects, like a film where Haley Joel Osment plays an abusive pimp, or one where Jonathan Lipnicki dons a Tom Cruise facemask and slaughters a coupla babies — point being, they are withdrawing their funds. Hopefully, Fanning can strike another deal with the Devil and find the money to keep this film rolling, because it looks like it might be the most disturbingly nightmare-inducing film of all time. --REPORTED FROM "BEST WEEK EVER"
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