Ewww for Breakfast

According to Local6.com a 60-year-old man in Lake County, Fla., is accused of biting a 6-year-old boy's genitals as a punishment, according to a police report.
Investigators said Nelson Chaudoin of Sorrento, Fla., was charged with lewd and lascivious molestation on a boy after a woman called police to report the alleged incident.
The woman told police that when she confronted Chaudoin about biting the boy's genitals, he said he bit them because the boy would not stop touching himself, according to The Daily Commercial in Lake County.
The report said the boy told police that Chaudoin did bite him.
It was not known if the boy was clothed when the alleged biting occurred.
Chaudoin was transported to the Lake County Jail and was being held on a $15,000 bond.
I guess now with the Jon Benet Ramsey suspect in custody alllll the kiddie predators will be in the spotlight.
What a sick world we live in.
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